Baking Soda

Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate quick review

Baking soda or Sodium Bicarbonate has been used for more than a century to solve household problems, treat symptoms of various diseases, improve many skin conditions, take care of plants and enhance cooking recipes. We can say that this compound is like a kind of panacea that cannot be missing in your pantry.

The truth is that with the passage of time there are more and more benefits and healing powers that are attributed to sodium bicarbonate, that’s why we have prepared this article where we tell you the main benefits of this substance and we tell you how to use it.

What is Sodium Bicarbonate or baking soda?

You’ve probably used Sodium Bicarbonate countless times without knowing what it is. This substance is obtained from a mineral that we find in nature and that is known by the name of natron. Sodium bicarbonate, whose chemical formula is NaHCO3, is soluble in water and when mixed with some acid decomposes and turns into carbon dioxide (CO2) and H2O.

The benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate are so many, that there are books dedicated exclusively to promoting the benefits of this salt. Therefore, in this article we will address the most common uses of this substance and those intended for health care. So let’s get to know the properties of sodium bicarbonate.

Medicinal benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking soda:

Sodium bicarbonate has a powerful whitening action that allows you to whiten yellowed teeth due to tobacco consumption or poor hygiene, in fact, there are many toothpastes that contain this substance among their ingredients. To take advantage of its benefits, it is enough to spread a little baking soda on your brush and brush your teeth as usual. However, its action is so abrasive that it can wear down tooth enamel, therefore it is only recommended to use it no more than three times a month.

Combat bad body odor
Baking soda has the property of neutralizing bad sweat. To do this, it is recommended to apply a paste of Sodium Bicarbonate and water to the armpits, squeeze the area to be treated with the mixture well and let it rest until the preparation is absorbed by the skin. Using this home remedy every day for two weeks combats bad body odor.

Excellent antacid
As we explained at the beginning, sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda) has the property of neutralizing acids, that is why it is an excellent home remedy to treat heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux. To take advantage of this benefit it is recommended to add a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, mix and drink. In case of chronic acidity or reflux it is necessary to go to the doctor to receive adequate treatment, using sodium bicarbonate for a long time can be counterproductive to health. This home remedy also helps to improve the symptoms of indigestion and gastric ulcers.

Baking soda Eliminates canker sores
Nothing as annoying as that painful and burning sensation that canker sores cause. To reduce the inflammation of these lesions and achieve the relief of their symptoms, it is enough to apply a little bicarbonate on them and let it rest. After a few minutes you will notice the improvement.

Relieves insect bites
Insect bites are usually one of the most annoying things to endure, they wake you up at night, inflame the skin and often cause allergy. To combat its consequences, it is enough to apply a little Sodium Bicarbonate with water on the bite and wait a few minutes to feel relief. This property also helps to relieve urticaria and dermatitis.

Bad breath: Eliminate bad breath with Sodium Bicarbonate
The power of baking soda to neutralize bad body odors is also very effective to combat bad breath and reduce inflammation of the gums. To do this, add a teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate to a cup, stir and gargle with the mixture until the preparation is finished. Fresh breath and pain-free gums. The oral use of baking soda is also of great help to reduce bacterial plaque and wound healing.

Effective deodorant
Also due to its property of neutralizing bad odors, sodium bicarbonate is widely used to combat bad foot odor. To do this, you just have to add two tablespoons of baking soda to each of your shoes before using them. You can also soak your feet in a container with water and Sodium Bicarbonate to disinfect them from bacteria that cause bad odor.

Improves urinary discomfort
When a urinary tract infection occurs, it is common to feel an inflamed bladder, constant urge to urinate and burning when urinating. Drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate will greatly improve the discomfort.

Aesthetic benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking Soda:
Protect hair: You can protect your hair by adding a little baking soda to your regular shampoo
Baking soda prevents the mistreatment of the strands caused by excess lime in the water and, as if that were not enough, it allows to protect dyed hair to avoid its rapid discoloration. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, wash your hair as usual and add a teaspoon of baking soda to the shampoo. It is advisable to use it no more than twice a week. Bicarbonate also works by detoxifying the scalp to combat dandruff.

Smooth and impurity-free skin
Exfoliating the skin with Sodium Bicarbonate is one of the best ways to keep the tissue clean and softer than ever. To do this, make a baking soda paste with a little water and squeeze the area to be treated with the help of a sponge. You will love the results so much that you will start using it weekly. If you are going to exfoliate your face, we suggest that you use one part water with three parts baking soda and rub gently with your fingertips to avoid irritating the complexion.

Household benefits of Baking soda

Sodium Bicarbonate is an excellent ally for cleaning the home and solving various household problems. If a tablespoon of this salt is added to the water with which the floors will be cleaned, it is possible to disinfect and deodorize the home in a unique way, fighting bad odors and stains impossible to eliminate. In addition, baking soda is excellent for cleaning household appliances and tableware and leaving them shiny. Other domestic uses are:

  • Disinfects and whitens tiles, tiles and countertops if rubbed mixed with water and with the help of a sponge.
  • Completely removes scratches from the floor.
  • It removes stains from clothes and stuffed animals if it is applied mixed with water on them and allowed to stand for 15 minutes.
  • Removes greasy stains.
  • Combats fungal spots on rose bushes.
  • Strengthens the plants and make them grow healthier and more leafy.
  • Fights parasites in plants.
  • Remove the wild grass.

Contraindications of Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking soda

The use of baking soda is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Under 12 years of age.
  • Pregnant or lactating women.
  • People suffering from hypertension, hepatitis, kidney or heart problems.
  • It can not be ingested by those who suffer from allergies, hypocalcemia, intestinal obstruction and hypochlorhydria.
  • Before using sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of any condition, it is necessary to consult with a family doctor and know the risks that this substance can cause if used for a long time.